by Tricia McCary Rhodes

The idea of being spiritually disciplined interests and terrifies us at the same time. We know that some of these ancient rhythms have passed the tests of time and that many spiritual greats have practiced them, but the thought of adding one more thing to our already overloaded schedule seems overwhelming. Tricia McCary Rhodes wants you to know that she has lived through these same issues. Her subtitle, “Spiritual Disciplines for the Life You Have,” takes the weight of guilt and shame away.

She sets the record straight within the first few pages: “What will really help you grow more: going off on a solitary retreat, Bible in tow, and fasting for an entire weekend, or taking a long road trip in a minivan with three small children and an occasionally grumpy spouse? Which experience do you think will truly call out your pride and invite you to live a life of service, forgiveness and gentleness?” The author suggests that spiritual practices have a much broader classroom.

In the midst of household turmoil, professional pressures, and hidden concerns, Rhodes’ baby steps open the door to growth. This is a great spiritual formation read for beginners that will help them feel they can enlarge their spiritual territory.


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