Dear Corps/ARC officers, God’s comrades in Christ:
Save the dates for the 2015 Holiness Institute for Soldiers and send your people to this Sprit-filled event!
For more than a decade, “The Holiness Institute for Soldiers” has been a significant avenue for nurturing and empowering Salvationists in our Territory for the life of holiness. The theme of this year’s Institute is “Sanctify Us by Your Word”. The event will be held at the Crestview Conference at THQ on October 1-4. Our hope and prayer is that our Holiness Institute will help all participants to awaken and enrich their souls for the purpose of furthering the mission of The Salvation Army.
Please print out the attached poster and encourage Salvationists to join this life time experience under the ministry of many distinguished teaching instructors. The Application form is also attached for your reference.
We look forward to receiving your heart-felt support for the 2015 Holiness Institute.
Janice A. Howard, Colonel
Assistant Chief Secretary &
Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
Young Sung Kim, Major
Territorial Ambassador for Holiness
Invitation Letter to the Field
Registration Form (Holiness Institute 2015) – (Download this .doc form to complete it, then email it to your Corps Officer.)