Straight. Tall. Beautiful. The sight is familiar to travelers, whether the journey is via car, bus, or train. Through Maine, Pennsylvania, and Switzerland, the birch, oak, maple, and pine trees stretch straight and tall, reaching toward the source of life. It’s as if they are waking from a night of slumber and are enjoying a morning stretch, but that stretch lasts all day.
…the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12 NIV
I enjoy looking through the trees. What will I discover? What is hidden in the thick foliage? What is exposed during the beautiful, bitter, snowy winters? Deer. Moose. Rabbits. Hikers. My favorites are the large birds – the hawks and eagles that sit majestically on the high branches. They are commanding, observant, intentional, and protective. They gracefully soar with the air currents. They quickly dive for their next meal. They quietly nest with their young. All within the trees.
These trees provide shade for animals, branches for nests, and perches for birds. They stand close together to protect each other against strong winds. Their leaves sing comforting songs and supply a refreshing breeze. A host of branches hold freshly fallen snow. Green, yellow, orange, red, and brown leaves blend together to offer beauty that brings travelers from afar.
What is the purpose of the trees? To become a box, boat, or cross? A pole, mast, or table? Or maybe their purpose is to rustle their leaves, seemingly giving attention and praise to God.
…the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12 NIV