We are excited to announce our that our children’s book, on the Life of Jesus, is now available!  This book, beautifully illustrated by David Hulteen (USE Communications Department), tells the story of the of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Each colorful page tells a story from Jesus’ life and asks the reader to consider how the story might apply to theirs.

Originally created to be distributed to the children who encounter the Pier Ministry in Old Orchard Beach, ME, this book is a great introduction for children to the life of Christ.  Consider this book for your Sunday School, weekly children’s programs, day camps, summer camps,  or VBS.

From the Introduction

God created everything. That means He created all people and loves all of us. Sin came into the world and separated people from God. God always had a plan to make sure we could be right with Him. He planned to send His Son, Jesus, to walk on earth to show us how to live a good life and love others. Jesus also took the punishment for all we have done wrong; because of that, we all can someday live with Him forever. He simply asks for us to have faith and trust in Him.

The Bible tells us all we need to know about Jesus and God’s plan for us to have a relationship with Him.

This book helps you understand a little bit about the life of Jesus. So, follow along and read about the amazing life of Jesus and how He wants to be our wonderful Friend, Guide, and Savior.

Download your copy today!

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