Major Philip Wittenberg

Secretary for Spiritual Life Development

Major Phil is in charge of the department & oversees the vision of SLD and Holiness.

Major Lauren Hodgson

Head Writer

Major Lauren continues her post-retirement work for the department, from which she retired. She is a prolific writer and contributes to most of the department resources.

Matt Hodgson

Resource Creator

Matt’s main responsibility is to work on all of the department’s resources and distribute to the territory and beyond. He is also a speaker, teacher, and writer.

Joanna Polarek

Resource Coordinator

Joanna is responsible to schedule and oversee all of the projects of the department. Beyond that, she writes, teaches, and is a trained Spiritual Director.

Erin Morgan

Administrative Assistant

Erin is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the office. She is also a contributor on different writing projects and an excellent teacher and speaker.