Solitude & silence are two of the main disciplines that belong on a short list spiritual disciplines. They are disciplines which help us learn to engage more deeply with the Lord and become more like him in daily life. Solitude & Silence make space for God to do a deep work inside us.

The normal way to practice Solitude & Silence is get alone with God to be quiet in a quiet place for some time. Perhaps you take a walk in nature trail or sit beside a lake or even a chair inside your house may work.

The point of your time in Solitude & Silence is to just be a soul in God’s presence.

In Solitude & Silence you’re learning to stop doing, stop producing, stop pleasing people, stop entertaining yourself, stop obsessing — stop doing anything except to simply be your naked self before God and be found by him.

Click here for a print copy of a resource to help guide you through your time of Solitude & Silence

Click here for the e-reader version

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