The Taking of Christ
by Michelangelo Caravaggio
Matthew 26:14-16
Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So, they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.
How Did I Get Here
The Wednesday of Holy Week is sometimes known as “Silent Wednesday” because, after a few days of back-to-back ministry, Jesus and the disciples return to Bethany for a time of much-needed rest. This title is misleading because there was much activity going on “behind the scenes”. The chief priests needed to know Jesus’ location to arrest him and start the process of falsely accusing him of punishable-by-death acts. Judas’ iron-clad dream of Jesus overcoming Roman rule was dashed. He couldn’t understand Christ’s backward gospel of the meek inheriting the earth and so in utter frustration he felt his only alternative was to stop Jesus sweeping popularity by any means necessary.
Judas became a spy in the Savior’s camp. How could this be? He spent three years as a front-row witness and companion to Jesus compassion, grace, mercy, and power. Is it possible that step by step Judas allowed his own preconceived plan of what God’s kingdom should look like supersede God’s mission? He fell further and further out of alignment with the gracious purposes of Christ. It is when anything takes precedence over the Lord’s mission that sin has an opportunity to infiltrate. The foothold becomes a stronghold.
Have you ever considered that the thought “how did I get here?” crossed Judas’ mind? Have you ever asked yourself the same question? You begin your day with the best of intentions to represent Christ well and you find yourself “selling” that desire for the price of a questionable conversation, allowing jealousy, anger or pride to fester, or not being true to who you are for the approval of others. Whatever the reason, its satisfaction is short-lived. Certainly, Judas’ decision is stark proof of that.
We open the door for victory in Christ when we look at sin patterns and ask, “How did I get here?”.
Is there an area of your life that you are finding you are “missing the mark” when it comes to reflecting Christ’s image? Sit in his presence with your discovery and allow him to help you come up higher.
Almighty God, thank you for all the voices that speak truth into my life. May I listen most attentively to the voice of your Holy Spirit. Grant me the ability to hear and quickly obey. Amen.