I was melting. Seriously, I was melting. The drops of fluid on my skin, the mascara smearing around my eyes, the dampness of the clothing on my body, and the added curls of my hair were all signs of a physical meltdown. How long could I stand in a tourist line before I died from melting? The sunscreen, visor, sunglasses, and lightweight clothing were fulfilling their responsibilities; but they were not enough for this body with low heat tolerance.
Then I saw it. A dark spot on the cement squares of the courtyard. Small, but dark. I deliberately moved toward the spot until my feet were both positioned in that spot. Relief, I could feel the difference. Sigh. Breathe. I had neglected to bathe my feet with sunscreen. They were exposed. Unprotected. Melting and burning. Oh no, the spot moved. No way that I would let it escape. I repositioned my feet. As the line inched closer to the entrance, that dark spot kept moving; but it was always within reach of a slightly different repositioning. My sandaled feet needed that dark spot, the spot of protection, the spot of comfort.
My dear husband, I am staying close to you. As you move, I move. You are providing that spot of protection in the midst of my discomfort. Allow my feet to remain in your shadow.
Living in the Most High’s shelter, camping in the Almighty’s shade, I say to the Lord, “You are my refuge, my stronghold! You are my God—the one I trust!
Psalms 91:1-2 CEV
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.
Psalm 91:1-2 NIV