In the dictionary we find the following definitions to the word praiseful. “The act of expressing approval or admiration, commendation, laudation or the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship.” Today, I would like for us to consider a praiseful life as an act of worship.
Have you ever wondered what your existence would be like without a life of praise to the Lord? That question came up one day as I participated in a women’s conference in Charlotte, NC. I began to ponder upon that very question in self-examination among the other women that were participating in this event. As I looked around the fully packed room, I noticed other women discussing the question asked by the facilitator with those around them. And so, I simply closed my eyes and began to converse deeply and quietly with God at that moment. I distinctly remember saying “God you know that when I get up off my bed, I simply thank you for being able to wake up and experience that I am alive. And when I end my day and go to bed, in my night prayers I ask you Lord for a blessed restful sleep to renew my strength for the next day.”
I feel compelled to share with you that during that moment I felt the Lord’s presence in a powerful, fulfilling way, because I felt he was letting me know that he was listening to every word I had expressed to Him in that moment. Then I remembered the words spoken by the Lord through the prophet Isaiah: “But now, this is what the Lord says – he who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel; “Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” At that very moment I felt that God had spoken to me by his word, in reassuring me that I was His and that He was constantly listening to my praises. I came into the realization that I could not imagine my life, as His servant and friend, without a day of praise lifted to His name. I am immensely blessed with all of scripture, but in a special way with Psalm 42:8. It says, “By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me – a prayer to the God of my life.”
I would like to propose for your consideration the following question. As a servant of God, don’t you just want to have a continual praiseful life? To constantly honor Him and to unceasingly show Him the devotion He deserves? It is like lifting a special gift of gratitude unto Him for all that He has done in your life. I once read that in ancient times a praiseful life was lived in three parts:
- With genuine spiritual worship – for His gracious, transforming work in our lives.
- With admiration – yielding to God as our only Lord and Master.
- With thanksgiving – expressing gratitude not only for His love, but for His grace, constant care, spiritual blessings and gifts poured upon us and to others.
The Lord is continually manifesting His presence in our lives three hundred sixty-five days a year. As His servants and friends, we should also continually offer Him a praiseful life three hundred sixty-five days a year. We find in Psalm 71:8 encouraging words to affirm our faith with words that we can all live by. “My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.” Now, that is a praiseful life!
For some of us, as officers and employees fulfilling what is required from us daily, we can sometimes think that it would be impossible to accomplish experiencing a praiseful life. But that does not have to be the norm. In today’s technological era we have audible Bible readings at the push of a button. Listening to the audible Biblical verses for the day will lead us to pray, worship, and praise our Lord.
We have YouTube worship songs segments and Apps that can help us enjoy worship behind the wheel of our automobiles as we move from one place to the next in our daily commutes or road trips. A praiseful life can be experienced practically everywhere. We can also enjoy solid biblical preaching in our automobiles and on our TV almost anytime. Because of COVID and social distancing, this has been a special way for God to bless us and help us lead a praiseful life during these difficult and challenging days we are all experiencing. Praise God for allowing us and helping us to praise Him! He deserves it, and we are blessed to be able to do it.
Dear friends, let us speak words of praise to our Lord and Savior today.
- Thank you, my gracious and sovereign God, that you have been with me and have carried me from the day that I was born until today. Lord you have known me well my whole life. You have molded me to be the person I am today.
- Thank you, for you have guided me as your servant, to love, to encourage and to be compassionate towards others. I have been guided solely by you in all that I do in your name.
- I praise you for keeping me from harm’s way and for helping me when harm does come near me.
- I praise You for your great faithfulness O Lord, for You gave me the privilege to become your daughter/son. You have graciously planned my days to be filled with grace from the time I was young and will continue doing so until the end of my days here on earth. You have showered me and my family with blessings upon blessings.
In Psalm 108:3-4 we find inspiration to praise God; “I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.”
I would like to end with the introductory words I shared earlier: “Today, I would like for us to consider a praiseful life as an act of worship.” Will you?
May your response be: “Yes, Lord. No matter where I will go, my lips will testify about you. My eternal praise belongs to you alone.”
written by Major Nancy Velez, Territorial Pastoral Care Department, USA East