The ears of the Lord are always tuned to the suffering and laments of his people. Moses, leader of the Children of Israel, heard the Lord’s call to take His people out of slavery in Egypt and bring them into the Promised Land. There were the sufferings of his people, and “The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.” (Exodus 3:7)
There is no safer place to “unload” our pain and suffering than in Christ’s presence.
The Psalms are a perfect roadmap on how to engage in godly lamenting. Over and over again, we read how writers of the Psalms are willing to voice their deep-seated cry of agony, frustration, and anger over the pain in their lives to God. As the Psalmists shake their fists, they are confident that God Almighty has big enough shoulders to handle their cries
The Roadmap to Lament – Psalm 13
(We will be breaking down the Roadmap to Lament over the next 3 posts in this series. We want to encourage you to sit with each part, along with the questions and prompts provided. We also suggest taking the time to journal your thoughts.)
Turn to God.
Often a lament begins by an address to God.
“I’m hurting, Lord—will you forget me forever? How much longer, Lord?
Will you look the other way when I’m in need? (Psalm 13:1, TPT).
The person in pain must choose to talk to God about what is happening. We serve an all-knowing God who is well-aware of our circumstances, feelings, and pain. “This is the kind of life you’ve been invited into, the kind of life Christ lived. He suffered everything that came his way so you would know that it could be done, and also know how to do it, step-by-step…” (1 Peter 2:21, MSG)
Look to the Lord right now in your state of suffering. You do not have to “get it together” before you come. Simply be a soul in God’s presence. Quiet yourself for a few moments and sense that he is with you. Tell him what you are feeling.
For more in our lament series, click here
written by Major Lauren Hodgson, USA East SLD