Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts – Jennie Allen
It is easy to create thoughts that can convince us we are less than, unworthy, and incapable of taking control of our circumstances. That one little thought can quickly turn into an out of control experience that leaves us feeling broken and weary. We also know those type of thoughts is not coming from God but the enemy. 2 Corinthians 10:5 reminds us, “…we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Do you want to know how to take every thought captive? This book is for you.
Jennie Allen dives into Biblical truths and scientific research that equip us for taking control of our thoughts. While sharing her personal story of overcoming these downward spiraling of emotions and struggles, she explores, explains, and provides practices to stop the destruction. We are given the gift of “choice.” We can choose how we want to think, and we can choose how we want to respond to these toxic thoughts that we allow to control us. “It is all about training our minds to make a choice- a choice empowered by the same Spirit that led Jesus to make the choices He made.”
It is all about training our minds to make a choice- a choice empowered by the same Spirit that led Jesus to make the choices He made.
It is timely as we are in a season where there is more time to sit in quiet and resort to feelings of uncertainty and doubt. Allow yourself to be transformed by your emotions, circumstances, and thoughts. Get Out of Your Head is filled with God’s promises to equip you for a new way of thinking.
Grab your copy of Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen (click here to go to the Amazon page). Create an online book club and read with some of your friends or read on your own. Spend time in quiet, knowing that you are preparing to change your toxic thoughts into God’s promises for you.
written by Joanna Polarek, Resource Coordinator, Spiritual Life Development, USA East