JOURNALING-SCRIPTUREMy faith life was failing. My Bible reading time had tanked. I needed something to give me a boost in the right direction. In all honesty I was hoping for some magical words, a quick fix but the suggestion was made to try journaling. I made a commitment to read my bible for 15 minutes a day for the next 30 days, and journal.

Armed with a pen, I cracked open that first notebook. I opened up my bible and began reading. 15 minutes was up and I had a few words written on the page. The process continued for the next few days, and I was more concerned about the time than anything else. It was probably on day 10 that as I opened my bible and began reading that I found words jumping out at me, and before I knew it I drew a verse of scripture on the page of the notebook.

It was probably on day 10 that as I opened my bible and began reading that I found words jumping out at me, and before I knew it I drew a verse of scripture on the page of the notebook.

I don’t know what changed but something felt different, time didn’t seem to matter, and the notebook pages began to be filled. I began the challenge to journal in a very cynical way, not knowing how writing in a book could possibly help me. In those first 30 days I found myself being back in the word, as I read scripture I found myself doodling, writing, experiences that inspire, thoughts, and struggles.

I found these times of Journaling to become a time where I was safe to express myself. There was a sense of focus where I could write down my thoughts and prayers. I could focus on scripture. While it was uncomfortable and I wanted to give up it has overall been an experience that has given me peace and clarity, as I am able to read through scripture, draw a verse of scripture over and over again, and pray over it.

I continued well past the 30 days, and while it wasn’t some magical fix, it’s been something that has helped me grow. It helped me establish a new pattern in my spiritual development. For me journaling has become a place where I both draw, and draw closer to God. It’s a place where I have rediscovered joy.

I find myself going through old books, and I have been bought to tears. The pages are filled with evidence that I have been through some tough times but there are also times of great joy. They are books of living proof that I serve a God who is living and active.

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