Woman walking on sand beach leaving footprint in the sand

Amazing. At least it is amazing to me. It started with a long walk on the beach with shifting sand. It led to torn ligaments, change in gait, and added pressure on…well, I’m just putting it out there…added pressure on bunions. After 18 months of increased pain, lack of exercise, and change in lifestyle, I bit the bullet and consented to surgery. Pain. Swelling. Throbbing.

So what is so amazing? After all of those months and misery, I recently logged 150 miles of pain-free walking during three weeks of vacation. It was amazing. I began to think about feet. I use my feet on a daily basis. They give me freedom to go places. What places? My feet easily take me to the gym, to the office, to the corps, to the store, to sightsee, to wherever I want and need to go. My feet take my grandson for walks, push the pedals of a bicycle, lead me up mountains, and guide the skis downhill. My feet are a vital part of my activity.

I must continually take care of my feet. Where should they take me? What should they avoid? I take them for pedicures. I rest them. I wash them. I protect them. My feet are valued and valuable. Amazing.

Watch your feet on the way, and all your paths will be secure. Don’t deviate a bit to the right or the left; turn your feet away from evil.
Proverbs 4:26-27

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger bringing good news, Breaking the news that all’s well, proclaiming good times, announcing salvation, telling Zion, “Your God reigns!
Isaiah 52:7 MSG

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