God has designed us for holistic growth. . . physically, mentally, emotionally and most definitely spiritually. If you are hungry for more of what the Lord has to do in you and through you, Cultivate will help give focus to what is needed to “have the roots of your being firmly and deeply planted in Him. . .” Colossians 2:7
The mission of Cultivate is to facilitate deeper spiritual life development in the lives of officers and soldiers of The Salvation Army.
Christ must continually be formed in us by:
- the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2)
- the work of the Holy Spirit (John 16)
- the role of spiritual disciplines (Romans 12:1)
- being part of Community (1 Corinthians 12)
- living out our faith for the sake of others (Matthew 28:18-20)
Cultivate introduces or rejuvenates the officer/soldier to classic Christian writers and tried and true disciplines which stimulate growth and maturity and, with an openness to the Holy Spirit, gives rise to a lifetime of spiritual health.
As part of the 12-month online Cultivate cohort, the officer/soldier will be involved in a prescribed reading schedule, online discussion, written reflection papers and retreats for the individual and in community.
Captain Faith Miller (Cultivate Cohort 1)
Soldier Cheryl Poulopoulos (Cultivate Cohort 1)
Envoy James Pegues (Cultivate Cohort 1)
Colonel Janice Howard (Cultivate Instructor)
Download the Cultivate 2016/2017 Application Packet. Or check out Cultivate-Young Adult.
- Please note that approval is required. For Officers, by Command Head and for Soldiers, by Corps Officer. There are signature lines for these approvals on the application.
- Applications for the 2016/2017 session are due to Spiritual Life Development by Tuesday, January 4. Accepted Cohort members will be notified by email by January 8. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development. Check back for updates on the 2017/2018 session.
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College For Officer Training
Major William F. Furman
Assistant Training Principal for Spiritual Formation
e-mail Major Furman
Adult Rehabilitation Centers Command
Lt. Colonel Kathleen Steele
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Lt. Colonel Steele
Eastern Pennsylvania & Delaware Division
Lt. Colonel Janet Banfield
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Lt. Colonel Banfield
Empire Division
Major Dorine Foreman
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Major Foreman
Greater New York Division
Envoy Kelly Roberts
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Envoy Roberts
Southern New England Division
Major Eunice M. Champlin
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Major Champlin
Western Pennsylvania Division
Major Jody Kramer
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Major Kramer
Massachusetts Division
Major Margaret Davis
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Major Davis
New Jersey Division
Major Barbara A. George
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Major George
Northeast Ohio Division
Major Kathleen A. Muir
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Major Muir
Northern New England Division
Major Patricia J. LaBossiere
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Major LaBossiere
Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands Division
Captain Limaris Marzan
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Captain Marzan
Southwest Ohio & Northeast Kentucky Division
Captain Crista Dalrymple
Command Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
e-mail Captain Dalrymple
‘]COMMAND SSLD’s contact information (hover for info)[/simple_tooltip]