Luke 18:35-43 (Jesus Heals the Blind Beggar)

35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.36 When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. 37 They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”
38 He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
39 Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
40 Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, 41 “What do you want me to do for you?”
“Lord, I want to see,” he replied.
42 Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” 43 Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.


v.35 Jesus has approached Jericho-One of the most traveled roads from Galilee to Jerusalem which led to the ancient city of Jericho. Just as Jesus had made his way through the town there was a blind beggar sitting beside the road.

  • Little did the blind beggar know that he was sitting at the right place and at the right time. Have you ever felt you were in the right place and the right time in the past situations in your life?

v.36 When he (the bling beggar) heard the noise of the crowd going past, he (the blind beggar) asked “What is happening?”

  • Instead of just sitting and not paying attention something he would normally be doing because of his blindness.
  • This time around his ears heard a different type of noise, A noise quite different than other times.
  • He did not have the ability to see, but he had the ability to hear.

v.37 They (the crowd) told him (the blind beggar) “Jesus of Nazareth is passing is passing by.” What must have gone through the blind beggars’ mind at this moment? Was his mind telling him “move out of the way?” Or, was the blind beggars’ mind telling him “this is your moment?”

  • This was the moment of truth,
  • The moment to be heard,
  • The moment to ask what he had been wanting and wishing for, for a long time.

v.38 He (the bling beggar) called out, “Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me!” Why was this man different? The blind beggar was desperate enough to get Jesus’ attention. Have you ever felt desperate for Jesus? This blind beggar obviously was.

v.39 “Those who led the way rebuked him (the blind beggar) and told him to be quiet. How many times Have we been in such a situation that we did not care what others would say or do? Why? Because of our faith in Jesus. But he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” The blind beggar showed the crowd that he was not ashamed nor was he going to be silent. This was a riveting moment for the blind beggar. How many times have you felt that inclination “this is your time!”

v.40 Jesus heard him (the blind beggar) stopped and ordered the man (the blind beggar) to be brought to him (Jesus). Jesus went beyond feeling sorry for the blind beggars’ situation and gave a command for the blind beggar to be brought to him. Can you imagine how the blind beggar must have felt while he was being moved from where he was seated by the roadside begging as he normally did day in and day out? I can imagine that all the blind beggar was thinking was “I will now be closer to Jesus.” How many of us long to be closer to Jesus? How many of us need to get closer to Jesus? How many of us need to stop experiencing hopelessness and feeling inadequate in our lives?

v.40b When he (the blind beggar) came near, Jesus asked him (the blind beggar),

v.41 “What do you want me to do?” The compassionate, encouraging and kind words of Jesus found their way to the blind beggars’ ears. The blind beggar answer: “Lord I want to see!” The time had come when there was going to be a major change in the blind beggars’ life. When was the last time you experienced a life changing event in your life?

  • No more being made fun of for being a blind beggar.
  • No more seating in the same place day after day by the roadside.
  • No more having to imagine how others who spoke to him would look like.
  • The blind beggars’ honest answer gave him a blessed way out of the physical situation that he was living in for many years.

v.42 Jesus said to him (the blind beggar) “Receive your sight; your faith had healed you.” In that precise moment, the blind beggar received the greatest gift in his life. He received healing, he received sight, he connected with Jesus and was blessed to be out of his desperation.

  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that led him to Jesus.
  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that helped him persevere.
  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that help him cry out to Jesus.
  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that helped him ask exactly what he needed and desired.
  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that acknowledged Jesus as “Lord” in front of everyone present.
  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that completely changed his life by trusting Jesus to do what seemed to be an impossibility.

v.43 Immediately he (the blind beggar) received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.

  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that motivated him to follow Jesus.
  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that led him to show his gratitude that very moment by praising God.
  • It was the blind beggars’ faith that led those that were present which led them also to praise God as well.

Question to ponder upon:

What do you need Jesus to do for you? Simply ponder upon this thought. Once you have taken that moment, close your eyes, go to a quite place within your home and listen to your inner self, and wait patiently. Jesus will speak to your heart and mind at the right moment and the right time. He loves you. He cares about you. He will do what is best for you. “Be still and know that I am God” should be your attitude as you wait upon the Lord. Your answer will come when you least expect it. Like the leaper, Praise God at that very moment, thank Him with a joyful heart and with love.


Lord, in my most quiet moments I need you to speak to me directly. I need for You to tell me or show me where I must make changes. Direct my paths Lord daily. When I am unable, help me. When I speak may you place your Word in my mouth, I want to build my faith up to the level where I can hear you speak to me. Lord, I ask you today to do what you feel is best for me. I want you to help me increase my love for you and others so that they will only see You and not me…in Jesus’ name, amen.

SONG: There was Jesus by Zach Williams & Dolly Pardon



written by Captains Gilberto and Nancy Velez, Pastoral Care, USA East

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