Major Marie Larrinaga


It was rainy, chilly and dreary. What better thing to do on such a day then go to the movies? As Papa (Grandpa) and the kids settled down to see a movie, one of the grandkids jumped onto Papa’s lap to cuddle, like a child with his father, when wanting to know he is secure, safe and loved. The same loving relationship our Heavenly Father, desires to have with us each day—where we jump unto his lap, cuddle, love and feel secure in Him!

As my husband shared of his experience I was reminded of the words of Henri Nouwen, “When I trust deeply that today God is truly with me and holds me safe in a divine embrace, guiding every one of my steps I can let go of my anxious need to know how tomorrow will look, or what will happen next month or next year. I can be fully where I am and pay attention to the many signs of God’s love within me and around me.” The words could not be any clearer and reassuring! Without a doubt the words continue to resonate and have been embedded upon my mind and heart!

For you see lots of times we feel there is no one who understands, loves or who is there in our time of need, joy or simply there when we need a friend! I rejoice and my heart leaps for joy at the thought that my Heavenly Father, is there 24/7—at all times regards of my need! Without a doubt a Father, who is waiting for me His child to jump unto His lap and love Him as much as He loves me! As our grandson jumped unto his Papa’s lap seeking assurance, security and love—you can as well feel assured, secured and loved—if you simply come to Him, give Him all of your worries, doubts or whatever may be troubling you then, rest assured He can and will take care of you and all that may be heavy upon your heart and mind!

Let the words of Nouwen resonate and remind you our Lord, is waiting and wanting for you and I, to deeply trust… “…that…God is truly with me (you) and holds me (you) safe in a divine embrace, guiding every one of my (your) steps I (you) can let go of my (your) anxious need to know how tomorrow will look, or what will happen next month or next year.” Let the child within come out then, run and jump onto the lap of our Heavenly Father, Who, is so yearning to embrace you! Blessings!

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