One, two, three strikes and you’re out! It was our grandson’s first baseball game, he had his glove and was ready to go! At first our grandson was very excited to be at the game wearing his baseball glove just in case a ball would come his way to catch it. After a few innings he got bored and began to play some games on his Mom’s mobile. Finally, the game was over, the fireworks begin and our grandson lit up at the beautiful design of each firework displayed. As quickly as the loud sounds and flashing began, the fireworks were over and everyone was on their way home.
We are reminded to bring up a child in the ways and fear of the Lord and they will not stray away of it. The kids got home safely that night and began their nightly ritual. They went through thing by thing as they do each night, except for one. This evening would be a bit different because our grandson was already asleep. While the young man was accustomed to praying each night before going to sleep, it seemed that it was too late this time. His dad thought they would let him sleep this time. Yet, to dad’s amazement our grandson woke up! “Dad, we did not say my prayers”! Our son-in-love paused for a moment, they prayed and our grandson fell asleep knowing all was well because he had said his prayers!
My prayer is that we may have the mindset and dedication of a child and remember to pray and believe that regardless of the time or situation our Heavenly Father is anxiously awaiting to hear from you and I!