folded hundred dollar billsMoney. It’s mine. It’s personal. It’s private. It’s none of your concern. I earn it. I spend it. I save it. I share it. It’s mine and it’s none of your concern. Right? Hum.

As Americans, we generally take offense when anyone suggests how our money should be spent. Christ-followers are not exempt. “Please complete your pledge for our annual giving/tithing campaign. In addition to your regular pledge, be sure to commit to giving money to missions.” Responses include “I’m not telling anyone the amount I give”, “it’s between just God and me”, and “we’ll see what I have left at the end of the week/month”.

How did this self-centered “it’s mine and it’s none of your business” attitude develop? What happened to our sense of community or even family? Now don’t get me wrong, this is not everyone’s attitude, but it is held tightly by some…okay, many people. These people are not confined to one geographic, economical, or religious segment. No, this attitude is widely spread in our beloved country.

Let’s get personal:
Where do you spend your money?
Do you systematically give at your corps/church?
Is there room in your budget to give to others? To give more?
What thoughts and feelings surface when your corps officer/pastors encourages you to “dig a little deeper” into your pockets?
How is your giving determined/motivated?
Are strings attached when you give?
Is your giving an act of worship?

“Regarding the relief offering for poor Christians that is being collected…Every Sunday each of you make an offering and put it in safekeeping. Be as generous as you can. When I get there you’ll have it ready, and I won’t have to make a special appeal.”
1 Corinthians 16:1-2 MSG

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV

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